Wyatt Law’s Victories — Case Results
When you, your family or friends are facing criminal charges or inquiries by state or federal law enforcement, call the Wyatt Law Office for your Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers & Attorneys. Wyatt Law’s victories speak for themselves.
Your future is our business.
Experience Counts
This is merely a representative sample of cases both recent and historical at the Wyatt Law Office. You can view either federal court or state court cases in the tabs below. There are many other victories and many other cases where charges were avoided before being filed. This is also a small sample of Wyatt Law’s victories, as it would be impossible to list every defendant we have ever represented.
Winning means working harder. You can’t settle for the bare minimum when you freedom is on the line. That’s why the aggressive attorneys at Wyatt Law Office work harder, longer, and give everything to you case. And would you expect anything less? You can trust that we are going the distance to prepare your case and are completely ready when it’s time for court. Thats where Wyatt Law’s victories come from.
Play To Win or Don’t Play At All
For 30 yeas the Wyatt Law Office has been fighting criminal defense cases and fighting for civil rights. Your freedom and liberty matters to us. it is that kind of dedication that has carried us to countless successes in state and federal courts. Below is a list of just some of some of Wyatt Law’s victories and case files.
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This is merely a representative sample of cases both recent and historical at the Wyatt Law Office. You can view either federal court or state court cases in the tabs below. Wyatt Law’s victories include cases where charges were avoided before being filed that are not listed here.
Federal Court
Drug Cases
- Federal investigation against client for alleged drug smuggling and distribution. No charges filed. *
- Client arrested for trafficking meth in federal court. All charges dismissed on the eve of trial. *
- All federal charges avoided after Wyatt’s intervention in case involving 5 gallons of illegal substance. *
- Federal charges of CDS possession and distribution avoided after Wyatt’s intervention. *
- Client released from pre-trial custody over U.S. Attorney’s objection after 3-hour preliminary hearing and detention hearing. Charges involve allegations of distribution of drugs, conspiracy, use of weapons in distribution of drugs, etc.*
- Client released from federal custody after drug conviction. New trial granted based on federal habeas corpus petition filed by Wyatt.*
- Federal drug case dismissed. After Wyatt’s defense investigation of federal drug charge involving allegations that the client possessed 11 pounds (5 kilos) of meth with intent to distribute, government dismissed rather than face trial.*
- Drug Evidence Suppressed in Federal Court. Wyatt and Scott Graham teamed up arguing and convincing the federal court to suppress evidence obtained after a “routine” traffic stop pursuant to an open air drug dog sniff search. During an illegal search, Troopers found 3,000 Oxycontin pills, multiple fake I.D.s, fake prescriptions, and over $17,000 cash. All evidence suppressed and case dismissed.*
Sex Cases
- Possession of child pornography in federal court. Client sentenced to only 18 months in prison. *
- 14-Count federal “child porn” indictment dismissed because of Fourth Amendment (“search”) violation.*
- Not Guilty verdict in federal trial for Internet child solicitation & traveling across state lines for sex.*
- Federal charges avoided. Possession of child pornography charges after counsel involved in federal investigation.*
- Not Guilty Verdict for Possession of Child Porn in federal court.*
White Collar Cases
- Client accused of tax evasion involving multiple stores in a chain restaurant. Charges avoided after Wyatt’s involvement. *
- Federal conspiracy to commit fraud and identity theft – supervised release (i.e., probation) for 5 years.
- Client accused by federal bankruptcy trustee and others of committing bankruptcy fraud. After investigation, Wyatt convinced federal prosecutors that no crime occurred. *
- Client charged with theft of over $1 million sentenced to only 6 months in federal prison followed by 3 years of supervised release (i.e., probation). *
- Client accused of mortgage fraud. Convicted at trial of some counts and acquitted of others. Sentenced to only 18 months. *
- Federal White Collar Charges Dismissed. Client charged with conspiracy to defraud investors in an alleged $1.2 million advance fee scheme. At a “James” hearing to determine scope of conspiracy, Wyatt showed that government had no proof against his client. Government counsel agreed to dismiss the charges against Wyatt’s client; all other defendants still facing charges.*
- Health Care fraud conviction against two doctors reversed with orders to dismiss charges.*
- Department of Defense fraud charge avoided and investigation terminated.*
- Social Security fraud charge avoided and investigation Terminated.*
- Tax fraud case dismissed after three years of litigation.*
- Acquittal (Not Guilty) on 106 Counts of securities fraud & money laundering.*
- Conviction reversed and sentence vacated in federal securities fraud case with orders to dismiss charges.*
- Minimal Punishment after jury trial conviction for Federal Antitrust Price-Fixing Charge. Client accused of orchestrating gasoline price-fixing scheme with volume of commerce in excess of $5 million. Sentenced to probation only; no restitution.
Public Corruption & Drug Cases
- Split Verdict — Not guilty 44 counts in police corruption allegations. Before trial, the judge merged four of the perjury charges into other counts and dismissed a bribery count during trial. After a three-and-a-half week federal jury trial in Tulsa, Officer Jeff Henderson was found not guilty of 44 counts of drug possession and distribution, use of a firearm during commission of a crime, witness tampering, perjury and subornation of perjury, conspiracy, and criminal violations of civil rights. However, the jury found Mr. Henderson guilty of two misdemeanor criminal violations of civil rights and guilty on the remaining six counts of perjury. Wyatt will appeal Henderson’s convictions. (See Tulsa World for articles).*
Weapons Cases
- Veteran charged in federal court with possession of machine gun. Wyatt argued successfully for probation. *
- Firearms trafficking allegations. No charges filed. *
- Federal gun charge not guilty verdict. Client found guilty of related drug charge, but by going to trial saved stacked sentence of not less than 15 years more. Drug conviction on appeal based on motion to suppress evidence.*
Other Cases
- Federal charges avoided for killing bald eagle and for possession of eagle feathers and claws after counsel involved in federal investigation.*
- Client accused of intimidating a federal witness during trial. No charges filed. *
State Court
Drug Cases
- Client charged with possession of 36 pounds of meth (aggravated trafficking). All charges dismissed after preliminary hearing. *
- Police officer investigated for obtaining drugs by fraud. Case averted after intervention by Wyatt Law Office.*
- Client charged with manufacturing and distributing steroids and other drug charges. Pr
- Client charged with possession of CDS and possession of more than $200,000 in drug proceeds after former convictions. Wyatt negotiated probation and client avoided a conviction. *
- Veteran charged with possession of meth and a sawed-off rifle. Client admitted into Veterans Diversion program and charges dismissed without a finding of guilt. *
- Client charged with multiple counts of possession of CDS (including “designer” drugs and marijuana) and other charges. All counts reduced to misdemeanor and sentencing deferred for 2 years (no conviction). *
- Client charged with multiple counts of DUI and drugs. Sentencing deferred for 2 years. *
- Client charged with possession of CDS (steroids, Xanax, Ecstasy and others) – all after former conviction for similar misconduct. Probation for 5 years. *
- Trafficking of marijuana (more than 300 pounds) after former conviction – 3 years in prison. *
- Distribution of CDS (marijuana) within 2,000 feet of a school. Client sentenced to 5 years of probation. *
- Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute – case dismissed after 2 years of probation. *
- Multiple cases and multiple counts of fraudulently obtaining prescription drugs and theft of prescription pad – charges dismissed following drug court. *
- Client accused of causing overdose and distribution of drugs. No charges filed after counsels’ intervention. *
- Theft of drugs from a nursing home – sentencing deferred (no conviction). *
- Police officer charged with felony distribution of drugs. Client was bound over for trial at preliminary hearing, but case dismissed by district judge after pretrial motion to dismiss.*
* Wyatt Law’s victories and results may vary based on the facts and law applicable to each case.
Sex Cases
- Lewd molestation of a minor child dismissed at preliminary hearing.*
- Charges against client for lewd proposals and molestation of a minor child. Wyatt negotiated probation for 10 years. *
- Client charged with indecent exposure at hotel reduced to outraging public decency. Probation and no sex offender registration. *
- Allegations of rape made against client. After our investigation, Wyatt convinced police that sex was consensual and no crime was committed. No charges filed. *
- Aggravated possession of child pornography (meaning more than 100 images). Client sentenced to split sentence of 3 years in prison and 12 years of probation to follow. *
- Juvenile accused of rape of little girl. Wyatt negotiated juvenile disposition of six months’ probation. *
- Adult client accused of possession of child porn and client confessed before hiring counsel. Wyatt negotiated 2 years in prison and 8 years’ probation to follow. *
- Client charged with committing a sex crime while on duty as police officer. Charged reduced to non-sex charge (misdemeanor) and placed on probation for one year. *
- Sex with an animal (bestiality). Straight probation. *
- Client accused of crossing state lines to engage in sex with a minor. After investigation and briefing the law, case dismissed. *
- Client accused of procuring child porn and destroying evidence. Wyatt convinced judge to give 2 years in prison and 8 years on probation notwithstanding allegations that client fabricated military history. *
- Multiple charges of lewd acts with a child. Client sentenced to 1 year in prison and 9 year of probation. *
- Possession of child porn charges dismissed. Client pled guilty to using a computer to commit a crime and entered a deferred sentence (no conviction and no sex offender registration). *
- Client accused of raping his wife. Charges dismissed after Wyatt’s intervention and proof of previous allegations by “victim” in another case involving another man. (Wyatt represented both men years apart). *
- Lewd molestation allegations against a father dismissed after preliminary hearing. *
- Client charged with multiple counts of possession of child porn and accused on lewd molestation and manufacturing child porn. Sentenced to 3 years in prison and 7 years of probation to follow. *
- Juvenile accused of raping 7 year old. All charges dismissed after 6 months of probation. *
- Airline pilot avoided sexual “touching”/child abuse charge and investigation terminated.*
- State “child porn” charge dismissed because prosecution could not prove who possessed the images – even though client had prior conviction for possession of lewd images.*
- Rape charge against medical student dismissed because defense investigation proved “victim” lying.*
- Forcible Sodomy Charge against foreign college student dismissed.*
- Statutory rape ( sex with a minor child) charge dismissed.*
- Not Guilty verdict in rape trial.*
- State “child porn” charges dismissed against college professor after preliminary hearing.*
- Rape charge against member of U.S. Navy dismissed and case terminated after appeal to highest Oklahoma criminal court.*
- Minimal Punishment after guilty verdict for child sexual abuse. Grandfather charged with sexually abusing grandchild. Jury returned guilty verdict but recommended only 2 years imprisonment. Client faced up to life in prison.*
White Collar & Health Care Cases
- Allegations made against chiropractor for fraudulent billing practices. No charges filed after Wyatt’s involvement. *
- Allegations against client for fraudulent billing of psychological procedures. No charges filed. *
- Client charged with multiple counts of Medicaid Fraud. Sentencing deferred (i.e., probation). *
- Medical doctor avoided all charges of improper billing after Wyatt involved. *
- Multiple counts of embezzlement from employer (approximately $30,000). Client on probation for 5 years. *
- Client accused of committing a fraud against the State and neglect of official duties – 2 years of probation. *
- Corporate client accused of violating federal and state liquor tax laws – no charges ever filed after Wyatt’s intervention. *
- Roofer avoided charges of fraud after Wyatt’s intervention in multiple allegations. *
- Embezzlement from corporation settled with pre-trial diversion.*
- Ghost Employee (fraud) charge reduced to misdemeanor.*
- Embezzlement charge dismissed after preliminary hearing.*
- Regulatory Hearing Relief Granted — Because of confidentiality of allegations and hearing, facts cannot be disclosed. However, “professional” client not sanctioned and retained license after non-jury hearing.*
- Charge avoided — Owners of regulated business in health care industry not charged after Wyatt’s involvement in investigation and negotiations for nominal civil sanctions.*
Homicide Cases
- DUI homicide – Wyatt negotiated 7 year prison sentence in very ugly facts. *
- Client charged with first degree manslaughter related to bar fight. Wyatt negotiated 10 years’ probation after serving 90 days in the County Jail. *
- Teen client avoided all charges in fatal car wreck after Wyatt’s intervention. Client accused of negligent homicide. *
- Murder case involving confession settled with 10 years to serve and 30 years on probation. Before preliminary hearing, client faced punishment range of life, life without parole or death. After preliminary hearing and motions and just before trial, case settled for plea to murder in the second degree.*
Weapons & Bombing Cases
- Bomb threats alleged against client and Wyatt negotiated 1 year probation – no conviction. *
- Client charged with possession of bomb-making materials with intent to intimidate, kill or injure. Charges dismissed after preliminary hearing exposed weakness of case. *
Violent Crimes
- Not Guilty verdict for felony Assault & Battery with a deadly weapon (punishable up to 10 years in prison), but jury found client guilty of misdemeanor for reckless use of a firearm.*
- Not Guilty verdict for Assault & Battery on Police Officer and Obstructing an Officer during a Felony Arrest.*
- Client accused of killing baby by shaking. No charges ever filed after Wyatt’s intervention. *
- Military client charged with domestic violence. Client entered diversion program and all charges dismissed. *
- Client accused of serious injury to minor child by shaking (Shaken Baby Syndrome). Charges dismissed. *
- Client accused of serious injury to minor child. Wyatt negotiated deportation of client. *
- Aggravated domestic abuse by strangulation, interfering with 911 call, cruelty to animals, attempted kidnapping. Based on defense investigation, convinced D.A. to agree to deferred sentence for 5 years – no conviction. *
- Client accused of serious injury to minor child. Multiple felony charges reduced to misdemeanor and 5 years of probation. *
DUI & Alcohol Related Cases
- Client charged with first degree manslaughter related to bar fight. Wyatt negotiated 10 years’ probation after serving 90 days in the County Jail. *
- Public intoxication charges dismissed in municipal court. *
- Evidence suppressed in “DUI with Great Bodily Harm” and judge had to dismiss charges after.
Theft Cases
- Client charged with burglary in the second degree (theft of more than $30,000). Sentencing deferred for 5 years – no conviction. *
- First degree burglary, domestic assault, and assault and battery. After evidence presented at preliminary hearing, case settled with burglary dismissed and misdemeanor deferred sentence on the remaining counts.*
Environmental Cases
- Client charged with illegal dumping of trash. All charges dismissed after investigation. *
Bribery & Public Corruption Cases
- Veteran charged with obstructing a police officer in his official capacity – charges dismissed in lieu of Veterans Diversion Program. *
- Client sentencing deferred for 3 years (probation) and charges ultimately dismissed for bribery of a state officer. *
Forfeiture Cases
- “Seized money” returned to client after forfeiture hearing.*
Wyatt Law’s victories and results may vary because each case must be decided on its own unique facts and the law applicable to that given case. You should not infer the likelihood of success on a given case based on past cases handled by this firm. We give each client the presumption of innocence and fight for our clients by devoting our education and experience.
Call the Wyatt Law Office at 405.234.5500 for your Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers & Attorneys. YOUR FUTURE IS OUR BUSINESS.